What Exactly is a Neosurf Voucher?

Neosurf vouchers offer a seamless alternative to online payment, particularly for those who prefer not to use credit cards. Acting as a prepaid payment solution, Neosurf enhances online security significantly. Unlike traditional methods, such as debit cards, Neosurf allows you to transact online without sharing any sensitive financial or personal information. With over 20,000 supported websites, including popular shopping and gaming platforms, Neosurf offers a convenient and secure way to pay digitally. Moreover, with Neosurf, overspending becomes a thing of the past, as you can only spend the amount preloaded onto your voucher. This ensures that you never exceed your budget and provides peace of mind during online transactions.

Distinguishing Between Neosurf Vouchers and myNeosurf Accounts:

A Neosurf Voucher is a physical ticket obtainable for purchase at various points of sale using cash. The voucher includes a pin code printed on it, enabling online payments.
On the other hand, a myNeosurf Account serves as an electronic money account facilitating online payments via your personalized Neosurf Personal Pin code. This account offers the flexibility to deposit multiple Neosurf vouchers, along with accepting deposits through credit cards, bank transfers, and cryptocurrencies.

Setting Up Your myNeosurf Account:

  1. Visit the Website:myNeosurf Account
  2. Sign Up: Look for the "Sign Up" or "Create Account" option on the homepage and click on it.
  3.  Fill in Details: Enter the required information, such as your email address, name, date of birth, and desired password.
  4. Verify Email: Check your email inbox for a verification message from myNeosurf. Click on the verification link provided to confirm your email address.
  5. Complete Registration: Once your email is verified, return to the myNeosurf website and complete the registration process by following any additional prompts or providing any necessary information.
  6. Set Personal Pin: During the registration process or upon logging in for the first time, you may be prompted to create a personal pin code. This pin code will be used for online transactions and account access.
  7. Explore Account Features: Once your myNeosurf account is set up, take some time to explore its features. You can deposit funds using various methods, manage your transactions, and enjoy the convenience of online payments with enhanced security.
  8. Deposit Funds: To start using your myNeosurf account for online payments, you'll need to deposit funds. You can do this by purchasing Neosurf vouchers and redeeming them in your account, or by using other supported deposit methods such as credit cards, bank transfers, or cryptocurrencies.
  9. Start Using: With your myNeosurf account set up and funds deposited, you're ready to start making online payments securely and conveniently.
  10. Keep Account Information Secure: Remember to keep your myNeosurf account information, including your personal pin code, secure at all times to protect against unauthorized access and ensure the safety of your funds.